Monday, February 18, 2013

OTM SDL TRADOS Studio Connector preview

Automating workflows between OTM and SDL TRADOS® Studio Professional


Secure connection between OTM (SaaS) and a local installation of SDL Trados Studio Pro via the Internet.

Our middleware tool, the "OTM SDL Trados Studio Connector", makes quotation calculation even easier.
Install this little application on your computer with SDL Trados Studio Professional, and project files are taken directly from the Online Translation Manager (OTM) and passed to SDL Trados Studio, where a project and/or packages and translation memories are created automatically.

Existing TMs can be used for the analysis of the source files.

The Connector uploads the analysis files produced by SDL Trados Studio to the relevant project in OTM, where the quotation’s line items can be generated with just a mouse click.

The Connector is not included in the regular OTM license. If you are interested in using the software, please contact support.

SDL TRADOS® is a registered trademark of SDL

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Free online CAT weighting tool available

How do you use a CAT analysis to determine the price of a translation project?
Most colleagues probably use an attentively maintained Excel spreadsheet. With lots of concentration and a quick mouse, they are happy to have the (hopefully) correct answer within minutes. But if the project contains several files and a separate price is required for each one, even copy & paste pros sometimes get lost in the process. And as the pros also know, the irresistible customer need for quantification and prices in standard lines is the maximum penalty. has developed an online tool that saves time and soothes nerves. It speeds up the process significantly and yields precise figures: upload the analysis file, enter the price per word or standard line, and click on the Start button – instant results. Then set your weighting factors as required – process completed!

 Free online CAT weighting tool

Unrestricted use, free of charge. Currently, the tool can only process SDL Trados analysis files (XML) from Studio 2009 and 2011 – but it will gradually be expanded to include analysis files from additional CAT environments. Visitors to are invited to forward their wishes and suggestions for improvement to the developers using a convenient online form.

Personal settings can be saved in a browser cookie (on the user's computer), so users are not required to enter the price and weighting factors again every time they revisit the website. The results can also be printed as required.

CAT Weighting Tool –>

Data privacy protection: saves neither your data nor your files. After it is uploaded, the analysis file is used for a few seconds to read and display the count data and display it in the browser. Then the analysis you upload is deleted immediately and permanently from our server.

The CAT weighting tool in OTM Version 6
The release of OTM 6 also includes the calculator tool and will enable lines items for quotation to be created with just a click.

SDL TRADOS® is a registered trademark of SDL

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

OTM 6.0 coming soon

We are planning to release OTM version 6.0 soon.
It will include exciting new CAT integration features and more...

For latest news, please follow us at Twitter

Thursday, August 23, 2012

OTM on mobile devices – improvement

When you log in to OTM on your iPhone or iPod, now you can decide whether you want to use the (limited) iPhone view or - for full functionality - the browser view. OTM on the iPad opens in browser view automatically.

Works with most Android smartphones  and tablets as well!

For more information about using OTM with smartphones, please click here.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

OTM customer communication – Polish added!

Polish flag

The OTM modules for customer communication have been localized in a number of languages: English, German, Spanish, Catalan, French, Dutch, Portuguese and Finnish. 
Now we added Polish to the client interface.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Customer and resource log-in for your web site

You might want your customers to log in to their OTM service pages directly from your web site. Here's the HTML code:

Here is how it works with the resources' log-in:

Please replace subdomain with your OTM subdomain.

Monday, June 25, 2012

OTM <––> SDL Trados

As of the fourth quarter of this year, OTM will actively support project work with SDL Trados Studio. is currently developing a software module (middleware) which is installed on a user’s workstation and makes use of the interfaces for OTM and SDL Trados. The data connection to OTM are certified and securely encrypted.

Projects designated as “Trados projects” in OTM will be downloaded via the software module and automatically checked for SDL Trados compatibility. If the check is successful, the data are sent directly to the translation environment tool. Translation memories can be used or added.

The Trados analysis logs (together with the project packages) will be sent back to OTM via the middleware. Configurable weighting values for evaluating the log data are stored in OTM.
With just a few clicks, the project manager can convert the data from the analysis to corresponding quotation items in OTM. Various formats can be selected for the quotation.

The process for creating a job in OTM to pass the data on to the translator is similarly convenient.

The new software module simplifies working with Trados projects considerably and will be available by the end of the year through the SDL Open Exchange or directly from The price of the module has not yet been determined.

OTM® is a registered trademark of
SDL TRADOS® is a registered trademark of SDL

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Major improvements in OTM security

Up to now, passwords in OTM have been stored in the database with encryption corresponding to the usual Internet standard, a cryptographic hash function similar to the MD5 message-digest algorithm. As a consequence, even if an intruder manages to access the list of passwords, these cannot be used. Hash codes require considerable can be effort to break – as long as the password is “secure”. A password like “amadeus” is not secure, because it can be decrypted easily using a dictionary attack. (“Dictionary” in this context refers to a list of previously identified passwords.) So in this case, security really does depend on the user.

We have changed this procedure for two reasons. First of all, it is important to minimize the dependence on the user. In other words, an encrypted password stored in the database should remain “unbreakable” even if it is not secure (such as in the case of “amadeus” mentioned above). Secondly, the rapid development of greater technical capacities by hackers - using specialized hardware, Cloud computing and improved methods - is a source of increasingly deep concern. The dictionaries available for such attacks are also constantly increasing in size and now comprise billions of compromised passwords. Thus even passwords previously considered secure, such as “Iwab033yrsB4” are no longer sufficient for higher standards of security.

The technical reason for this, to put it simply, is that the code generated during hash encryption (the “hash”) is too short. It comprises a mere 16 hexadecimal characters. Such code might look like this: 3dd891646eab094f. One character can assume 16 different values (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,a,b,c,d,e,f). This results in 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 possible codes. That sounds like a lot, but it’s not enough to defend against high-powered computers and dictionary attacks. Though not all hashes and their associated passwords can be stored in a dictionary, because this would make it quite enormous, but if a password is listed in a dictionary, it can be compromised in seconds, enabling the attacker to log into the system. There is an underlying issue to cause even greater concern: this huge number of possible hash codes is actually not a problem any more for specialized hardware or networks of computers today. According to the latest estimates, a brute force attack on a specific password (meaning the rote, systematic attempt of all possible combinations until the password is “cracked”) would take about four days with the right equipment. This is completely unacceptable, of course. The security of encryption methods rests largely on the fact that guessing takes too much time for an attacker. The used algorithm is simply too efficient. Calculating the hash value does not take long enough.

Therefore, we have improved OTM security on three levels:

  • The length of the hash code stored was increased to block dictionary attacks.
  • Password security no longer depends exclusively on the user’s entry.
  • A more cumbersome cryptographic method is now used to cause delays to make brute force attacks ineffective. 

>> The change poses no problem for OTM users, as there is no compulsion to create new passwords.

Our method comprises the following: First, the password entered by the user is recoded to the previous hash value by the old method. This hash is then extended with a secret, long character string (referred to as salt). Then this extended character string is encrypted with the SHA256 method and compared with the entry (already converted by us) in the database. If the comparison shows a match, the password entered was correct. Otherwise not.

Thus the user can continue to work with the old password, because we can already convert its old hash value to the new value in the database even if the actual text of the password is not known. The salt makes the database hash value independent of the complexity of the user’s entry. Altogether, the method slows the process quite a lot, though not in a way noticeable by the user, because it is only a matter of milliseconds. But for an attacker, this difference makes a brute force attack pointless. Instead of taking days to break a password, the thousands of billions of iterations required would add a century or so to the time needed for a successful attack. Moreover, the hash value saved is no longer a mere 16 characters, each with 16 possible values, but rather 64 characters with 16 values. This translates to 1.1579208923731619542357098500869e+77 possible values for the hash code. No dictionary attack can cope with numbers of that magnitude. Thus all three points of possible attack have been reinforced, dramatically improving password security.

The changes will take effect with the OTM version 5.6.5 update.

For more information on the above topics, please click the following links:
Dictionary attack:

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Customer communication – now in French!

Flag of France
One of the great strengths of the Online Translation Manager (OTM) is the adaptability of its interface to communicate with clients in local markets. As increasing numbers of language service providers and corporations have adopted OTM as their platform for secure project management, job handling and delivery, the modules for correspondence and the confidential client portal have been localized in a number of languages: English, German, Spanish, Catalan, Dutch, Portuguese and Finnish. Now partner FILOGIS TRADUCTION has added French to the client interface.

Standard correspondence templates for quotations and invoicing, project schedules and notifications as well as deliveries will improve the ease of communication with your French clientele, who can also access their deliveries and project-related documents conveniently in their native language. As with all important communication modules in OTM, the templates can also be adapted to suit your individual style preferences.
Localized communication is merely one aspect of the OTM philosophy of best practice, with reliable infrastructure, confidentiality and legal security foremost in its design. For more information on the benefits of this platform for language service management, see the information page for the Online Translation Manager.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

OTM Feature: Job description templates

The new OTM feature "Job description templates" is very helpful if you manage projects with complex or numerous jobs.

In a project with numerous target languages, you can copy one job description text to all other jobs with just one click.

Any job description text can be saved as a template. Templates can be edited or deleted.
If you need a certain template, you can load it from the repository. Load a text from your stored templates or templates from co-workers in your company.